We in Uyuni


We are two lost souls addicted to travel since around 2000. Back then we wrote mostly emails to our families to stay in contact during our journeys and started already in fall 2012 our first travel blog. This blog is still active and frequently used (at the beginnnig of 2018 we have 281 posts in this blog and 54 pages) – but this blog is on an inviting basis only and there are up until now just our families invited.

So we always had the idea at the back of our mind to do something for the public where we can show our pictures and give valuable information to other fellow travellers.

Unfortunately the number of travel blogs exploded in the last years. And although we are already long in the business of taking care of a blog we are after all new to the business doing this with a public blog.

We thought long about what to write on the blog – as we have our private blog for the usual travel stories. But we are not sure how interesting they are to other people. So we thought about more useful information which we would like to get when planning a trip somewhere. Mostly good pictures, inspirations and some tips about the country. When we started with the first articles we noticed that it is much harder to write about facts than experiences. So we fit somewhere in between the purely fact blogs where you find all the information you need about a country, similar to wikitravel.org and those solely doing a summary of their days during their travels.

We don’t know if this will lead to the success we wish for but at least we try with all our commitment, love and enthusiasm.

We would really appreciate if you subscribe our newsletter or follow one or all of our social media profiles. We cannot guarantee that the direction of the blog won’t change over time but we guarantee to give you information that matters peppered with beautiful pictures which should be welcome to look at them to get some inspirations and get lost in travel.

Kolumbien Geheimtipps, Jardin Typical Street
Featured Inspirations Tips

Kolumbien Reisen – Die schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten und besten Geheimtipps

In den letzten Jahren ist ein regelrechter Boom an Kolumbien Reisen ausgebrochen. Völlig zurecht, denn das bunte Kolumbien hat einiges abseits der Standardreiseroute zu bieten. Wir zeigen dir unsere Kolumbien Geheimtipps und freuen uns, wenn etwas für dich und deine Reiseliste dabei ist. Kolumbien liegt im Nordwesten Südamerikas, hat beinahe » more …

Uganda Erfahrungen - Unsere Highlights & Reisetipps 2
Sevens Moments Tips

Uganda Erfahrungen – Unsere Highlights & Reisetipps

Unser Trip nach Uganda war bereits unser zweiter Trip nach Afrika und sollte nicht der letzte bleiben. Ähnlich wie bei den Trips in die USA haben wir uns einfach in diesen faszinierenden Kontinent verliebt. Folgend präsentieren wir sieben Eindrücke unserer interessantesten Erfahrungen, Erlebnisse und Besonderheiten während unseres Roadtrips durch Uganda. » more …